The Neo Stand-Up is a new rescue system that Neo claim “greatly improves” the safety of a pilot if they have to throw their reserve parachute.
The system is called the Stand-Up Rescue System and aims to solve the problem of paraglider pilots in pod harnesses coming down under reserve on their back.
According to Neo, 90% of reserve systems attach at the shoulder straps. When a pilot deploys their reserve the distance between the shoulders and the main attachment point can create a “lever effect” which positions the pilot horizontally on their back.
If the reserve deployment is low there is often not enough time for a pilot to pull themselves upright.
Neo’s solution is to put the reserve attachment points on the glider’s attachment points, not the shoulder straps. The result is the pilot can sit up more quickly and easily under reserve, they say.
Neo say: “The Stand-Up Rescue System allows the pilot to stay comfortable and active in their harness and make acting on the glider easier.
“Both sitting and standing positions of the Stand-Up Rescue System allow the pilot to turn around upon landing by holding the rescue risers to choose the direction of the impact or avoid a head-on collision with an obstacle.
“Pilots will no longer endure the fall hanging and inactive under their parachute.”
The system does not use the same carabiners or maillons as the glider – it’s entirely separate.
The Neo Stand-Up has been developed by acro specialist Tim Alongi and Marc Boyer from French paragliding school Soaring.
Neo say: “The Neo Stand-Up Rescue System patent was filed under no. FR 2 300 536. Other paragliding harness manufacturers can contact Neo to use it for free but under certain conditions. The goal is to improve safety in paragliding.”
They add that the system will be first used in the new Neo Suspender 2.0 harness, which is due out this spring.