Phi Maestro 2

Phi Maestro 2: high-B

14 July, 2022

Phi say the new high-B Maestro 2 is the greatest leap in performance they’ve ever achieved from one wing generation to the next.

Armin Leitner flew a 248km triangle from Defereggen in Austria on the 22 demo on 13 July, confirming its potential and commenting that its performance gives EN-D’s a run for their money!

The category has always been close to designer Hannes Papesh’s heart, “a passion”, he says. What makes it so special? Hannes says it’s a complex design with 76 cells and additional mini ribs that give a very smooth finish; it has great performance and handling, and makes you feel at one with it.

Hannes wrote on Facebook on 11 July: “My personal feedback on flying the final MAESTRO 2 23 with 96kg (quite light with my light harness) in windy and turbulent conditions today during our pre serial check: I found the wing very confidence inspiring. The demand seems to be only a small step over the Beat Light. The canopy is very well defined and form-stable. Handling is great.”

The Maestro 2 will be available in five sizes and four colours, with deliveries of the first serial wings expected mid July. Hannes added that Phi planned for its production, and have cloth in stock and the production capacity cleared for the next few months, so delivery times should be fast.

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