Davinci Classic 2

Davinci Classic 2: progression glider

30 September, 2022

The Classic 2 is listed as Davinci’s low-B glider, but it’s actually certified EN A in all four sizes. It’s a “progression” glider, for school to XC use.

Davinci say it’s a fun wing with good glide and a very efficient speed system. Long brake travel and excellent passive safety and stability make it an excellent progression glider, they say.

The Classic 2 is the first glider to benefit from Davinci’s new “Smart double layer” technology. Explained more in the video above, four of the cells in the middle area of the glider are double-bagged, like “a glider within a glider”. Davinci say makes it very resistant to collapses, and it also frees up space within the profile if a collapse does occur, so it will recover more quickly.

It also has their Smart Nose+ technology, a strip of fabric within the cells that acts as an anti-return valve and maintains air pressure.

The Classic 2 is made from Myungjin MJ32MF on the bottom surface and MJ40MF for the top surface, in Purple, Lime and Golden colours.

Davinci Classic 2 specs


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