Advance Alpha 7

Advance Alpha 7 – EN A

15 October, 2020

The EN-A Alpha 7 is a beginners’ wing, but Advance say it has lots of performance and is perfect for pilots to continue their progression on, long after paragliding school.

A 38-cell glider with an aspect ratio of 4.8, it’s made from 39g/m² Skytex 38 Universal and 40g/m² Easyfly. Advance say:

“The 7th generation retains the lively, fun handling of its predecessor, but is even more inherently stable in roll. The softer canopy dampens turbulence better and gives an even more pleasant feeling in flight”.

The five colour schemes are bold and bright, and it will be officially launched in November 2020, available in five sizes. Hybrid risers for paramotoring are available.

Advance Alpha 7 specs

More details on Advance’s new-look website:

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