Gin Evora

Gin Evora: Easy EN-B

20 January, 2023

Gin say the new Evora is an undemanding EN-B glider for “talented beginners and established leisure pilots”. It was designed to bridge the gap between school wings and the high-B Explorer.

Gin say the Evora is “born to climb” to climb, with a new optimised planform which allows for flat and efficient turns. Its inherent pitch stability means take-offs are easy and glides efficient. It does not have C-riser control as standard, but an optional smart-riser can be retrofitted for pilots who want this feature. This has a control toggle and Harken pulley for smooth operation.

The Evora is made from semi-light Myungjin fabrics with high porosity resistance, and a mix of sheathed and unsheathed lines. The mini ribs are stitched internally for a smooth, aerodynamically-clean finish.

It is available in six sizes XXS (21.5m² for 55-75kg all up) to XL (32m² for 115-135kg all up)

Gin Evora specs
Gin Evora specs

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