Masterclass: How we set a 300km record with Jošt Napret
14 January, 2022, by Jošt NapretNaviter pilot Jošt Napret explains how he, Primoz Susa, Bojan Gabersek and Dušan Orož set a 300km out-and-return paragliding world record on 21 April 2018 flying from Sorica in Slovenia.
He explains it was a perfect early spring day, with lots of snow still on the mountains, and shows how they flew along the length of the eastern Alps in a flight that lasted nearly 10 hours.
Explore Jost’s 300k track log here
News story here
Pilots: Bojan Gabersek, Jošt Napret, Primoz Susa and Dušan Orož
Date: 21 April 2018
Flight time: 9h:48m
Distance: 301km
Declared out-and-return world record
Recorded as part of a Cross Country Magazine Masterclass in December 2021.