Pal Takats has been making some long flights in Chile. On 5 December he broke 300km, and looks very happy about it!
Pal Takats has been making some long flights in Chile. On 5 December he broke 300km, and looks very happy about it!

Pál Takáts flies 300km in Chile

9 December, 2011

Pal Takats has been making some long flights in Chile. On 5 December he broke 300km, and looks very happy about it!
Pal Takats has been making some long flights in Chile. On 5 December he broke 300km, and looks very happy about it!

Hungarian paraglider pilot Pál Takáts, better known for his acro prowess, is more than pretty good at flying cross country too. He flew his U-Turn Passion on a 300km XC in Chile on 5 December.

In fact, he is making a series of cross country flights up the Chilean coast, and broke the Chilean XC record a few days before, on 1 December, with a 244km flight. The 300km flight  on Monday was just under nine hours long, and all flown at a maximum altitude of only 1,100m. Conditions varied from tricky at the start with a particularly difficult crossing to Tocopilla, to racing along ridges with speedbar full-on. And the air was not entirely gentle.

Of his longest-distance and longest-airtime flight ever, Pál says, “It´s crazy tiring to fly for such a long time always being close to the mountain and thermals can get very nasty. I had some situations while crossing through lee rotor thermals and my acro experience came in handy to keep the wing open”.

Watch out for the full write-up in Cross Country magazine soon.

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