Beyond the Range paragliding film in Tasmania

Chasing dreams and record flights in Tasmania

Beyond the Range follows three pilots on a mission to break 100km

24 January, 2025, by Cross Country

Beyond the Range follows two pilots as they set out to achieve a small goal, but instead break the long-held Tasmanian free-flight distance record.

Brad Harris is the filmmaker and fellow pilot behind the 21-minute film, which features pilots Cyril Scomparin and Ben Webb.

Brad explained that paragliding in Tasmania is not simple: “Tasmania is a small island (a triangle with 300km sides) that is mostly wilderness. The cleared central bit that is easier to fly has airspace issues. The hills there are about 100m high and even our ‘mountains’ are only about 1,000m.”

“Afternoon sea breezes push in on all sides on most good flying days. Consequently long flights are rare, so much so that the hang gliding and paragliding distance record has stood at 93km for around 14 years!”

He added: “While the numbers involved in this flight aren’t impressive by world standards, they’re pretty exciting for us here.” 

“This 21-minute film is Cyril’s story of that flight. Not only did they break a record, but they did it over some of the most spectacular scenery in Australia, in remote wilderness areas that could take days to walk out from if they’d bombed out.”

The pilots have a licence from Tasmania’s Parks and Wildlife Service to allow them to fly across the protected area. There’s a small but vibrant community of around 100 pilots in a state the size of Ireland.

Pilots who want to fly any of the sites in Tasmania should be a member of the Tasmanian Hang gliding and Paragliding Association – see

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