Foot-skimming at sunrise
Tom Prideaux-Brune foot-skimming at sunrise. Photo: Rich Dolan

The ‘100-hour pilot’ syndrome

20 January, 2025, by Rich Dolan

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive effect in which people overestimate their abilities. In paragliding and paramotoring we call it intermediate syndrome, or the “100-hour pilot”. 

The impact of being overconfident without the relevant experience can carry significant consequences and it’s something that many pilots, myself included, have fallen foul of. To try and avoid it, here are some tips and exercises to help understand your limitations and improve your skills. 

Take-off and landing 

Landing out on your XC flight is really when the fun begins. Whether it’s for an evening vol-biv, you’re simply stopping off at the pub, or your engine cuts out unexpectedly, being confident to land out can...

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