Masterclass: How to fly 100km with Bill Belcourt

Masterclass: How to fly 100km with Bill Belcourt

4 May, 2022, by Bill Belcourt

Want to know how to fly 100 km? In this Masterclass Bill Belcourt – a multiple US XC champion, worlds-level competitor for 30 years, and a brilliant mentor and coach to many too – explains how.

In the hour-long talk the ‘Yoda’ of US paragliding runs through the fundamentals of good XC flying – what works, and why. These are tips and techniques that we can all apply to improve our chances of flying long distance regularly – whatever level you’re at, and whether you fly the mountains, or flatlands.

The Masterclass is hosted by associate editor Nick Greece, a multiple US Champion and is particularly aimed at pilots wanting to crack their first 100 km XC.