Launching at Mont Gros, Roquebrune. Photo: Fred Gustafsson
Launching at Mont Gros, Roquebrune. Photo: Fred Gustafsson

Monaco’s Roquebrune paragliding site at risk

8 March, 2011

Launching at Mont Gros, Roquebrune. Photo: Fred Gustafsson
Launching at Mont Gros, Roquebrune. Photo: Fred Gustafsson

Following a number of incidents, the future of paragliding at Roquebrune in Monaco is looking shaky.  The local club are working hard to keep it as a flying site, and have put out a reminder to all pilots to please abide by the site’s rules, and behave safely and responsibly.

With its favourable Mediterranean climate, reliable weather and carpeted launch serving East to South-West wind directions, it’s a popular spot for pilots from all over, and the 700m top-to-bottom draws pilots who want to practise acro manoeuvres, do SIV or test gliders.

The site is under scrutiny because of a number of sea and land rescue call-outs, often down to pilots performing such manoeuvres without following the safety rules, then getting into trouble.

The Roquebrune club does not want to stop individuals from practising and enjoying acro at the site, and acknowledges that some incidents will still happen, but they do ask that all pilots stick to the site’s rules. An English version can be downloaded from the Roquebrune Club’s website (here). Section seven specifically applies to SIV and acro-type manoeuvres.

Pilots wanting to do acro, SIV or test gliders at the site must download and complete the application form (Renseignements et attestation sur l’honneur), and email it to for approval. They must have arranged a motorised safety boat and driver, and must also be equipped with a life jacket, radio and rescue parachute. Manoeuvres can then be carried out at a distance of 300m or more from the beach.

Landing on the beach. Photo: Fred Gustafsson
Landing on the beach. Photo: Fred Gustafsson

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