Gerlitzen, Austria. Photo: Xandi Meschuh
Gerlitzen, Austria. Photo: Xandi Meschuh

SIV Hotspots: Gerlitzen

16 January, 2018

This is another site where the cablecar will get you up to launch quickly, and you’ll comfortably have 1,000m to play with.

The local meteo means you can fly for a large chunk of the day but the cost of the cablecar for short visits does add up and the only time it becomes good value is if you buy a four-month season pass.

For this reason Gerlitzen is better known as a place people camp for the whole season to hone their acro skills than it is for SIV, and the skies can get busy! There are some very good Austrian schools here that offer SIV courses, and although some give training in English, they are more popular with German speaking pilots.

After a series of accidents a few years ago the site rules regarding acro and non-Austrian pilots were tightened. Make sure you’re up to speed. Acro legend Xandi Meschuh is the go-to guy for acro and SIV.

Photo: Xandi Meschuh

Appeared in the 2017 Travel Guide in a collection called SIV Hotspots. See the others here.

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