Manaslu, Nepal

Destination: Manaslu

6 September, 2024, by Photo: Vitek Ludvic

The flying season for Nepal starts when the season for Europe closes. Home to Everest and seven other 8,000m peaks the Greater Himalaya forms the ultimate dramatic backdrop in this landlocked country.

How to explore it, without heading off on an adventurous self-supported vol-bivouac? One way is to make Babu Sunuwar your guide. Babu famously flew tandem from the summit of Everest back in 2011 and was made National Geographic Adventurer of the Year for it. (He and passenger Lakpa Tsheri Sherpa went on to kayak through Nepal to the Bay of Bengal, unsupported, which added to the feat.) 

With paragliding in the honeypot of Pokhara increasingly restricted Babu has spent the last few years exploring and developing sites around the country. This year he’s launched a 16-day trip travelling “from the lowlands to the highlands” flying different sites from Kathmandu to west of Pokhara. 

The itinerary is no easy tour and includes several hike-and-fly days to launches at around 3,000m, always with...

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