All packed up and ready to go. Photo: Andy Busslinger
All packed up and ready to go. Photo: Andy Busslinger

How to pack your paraglider

16 January, 2022

There are loads of different ways to pack a paraglider, and lots of advice. Rather than instruct you on a specific technique, here are some basic guidelines to follow. The video also shows how you can pack your wing using a concertina bag.

  • Packing the wing loosely protects the fabric
  • When packing the wing, try to avoid dragging it over the ground
  • If you need to get the air out of the wing, push it towards the leading edge, instead of trying to press it out of an already rolled or folded wing. Pressing it down stresses the seams
  • Vary your packing technique, because always packing it the same way means always stressing the same places.
  • For gliders with really long rods, the manufacturer usually provides guidance on the best packing technique for that particular model. The wing should be packed in a manner that the rods in the leading edge are not bent too much or subjected to pressure.

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