I read Heli Schrempf’s article on SIV in the last issue with interest (Go With the Flow, XC248). If you spend long enough teaching SIV and really thinking about the pilot, in the end, instructors from different countries that have never met will boil down the pilot skills needed to the same things.
It seems we are at that point with SIV, as a lot of what Heli said is how we teach here at Flyeo in Annecy, France. How the body is placed in the harness can block or aid the movement of your arms; putting your hands right up to the pulleys is as important as how much brake action you use; rules all in line with the Flyeo fundamentals that we’ve taught for the last decade.
The biggest discussion point I think was whether you should keep your legs straight with a collapse and whether you should stay on the speed bar. A couple of students contacted me in regard to Heli’s article, so here is my perspective, to provoke thoughts or discussions...