Nova Juniors team are looking for three talented young pilots to join them
Nova Juniors team are looking for three talented young pilots to join them

Nova Juniors Team looking for young paragliding talent

30 January, 2012

Nova Juniors team are looking for three talented young pilots to join them
Nova Juniors team are looking for three talented young pilots to join them. Photo: / Till Gottbrath

Nova are looking for three talented young paraglider pilots to join their Juniors team. Interested pilots have until 10 March 2012 to apply. 

The Juniors team has been in existence since 2009, and was set up to nurture and support young pilots under the age of 25 and help them progress and make the most of their talent.

Some of their existing members have outgrown the age category and moved on, so Nova are looking for enthusiastic young pilots born in 1990 or before, to join them.

Candidates should have good communication skills and a good level of English.

These are the current team members:

Nova Juniors team seek three new young paraglider pilots
Click to go to Nova's website and meet the team members

If your’re an up-and-coming young pilot and can see your face in the missing slots in the gallery, then email team manager Till Gottbrath and ask for an application form.

• Got news? Send it to us at news@xccontent.local.

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