Bogdan Baziuk
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Bogdan Baziuk flies paraglider 437km in Ukraine

1 July, 2015

The Ukraine countryside – en route for 437km
The Ukrainian countryside – en route for 437km

Ukrainian Bogdan Baziuk flew his paraglider 437km from north to south across his home country on 29 June 2015 – the longest paraglider flight in Europe, ever, as far as we are aware. 

Bogdan launched his Gradent Aspen 5 from a winch, and flew for 9.5 hours at an average speed of 47.38km/h. You can see the flight on

The official current European record is Luc Armant’s, who flew 363km in France in 2014. However, Mike Goncharov-Goryanskiy flew 412km in the Ukraine (winch launch) in June 2013, but never got it ratified.

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