Himalayan Sky Safaris – 2014 vol-bivouac tours

Himalayan Sky Safaris – 2014 vol-bivouac tours

11 April, 2014


Himalayan Sky Safaris are offering two vol-bivouac tours in the Himalaya this autumn, for adventurous experienced pilots. Both start at Bir in October, but the second is a new-format Temple Tour, with more bivouacs in extreme locations. It will be run on a 1:1 or 2:1 basis so places are limited.

The first Himalayan tour (16-25 Oct) will be, as normal, based in Bir, with probably one night at Dharamshala and one at a supported camp.

We have run this tour for the last eight years, and it packs enough amazing flying and inspiring locations that some pilots have flown it for three continuous seasons.

However, the second tour (27 Oct – 5 Nov) will be new:

Having now top-landed/bivvied at enough suitable and stunning locations with good acceptable mountain take-offs and landings, we feel ready to incorporate some of the better of these special places into a tour. It will be starting and finishing at Bir (and probably a few pit stops too for hot showers and JP’s luxurious cuisine!) but will involve more bivi’s/camps/overnight stays high in the mountains in interesting locations, sometimes hotels, sometimes temple floors or shepherds huts or just a camp fire and cave.
The top landings are carefully chosen and are mostly flat zones on slopes or rounded summits, from approx 2000m, up to 3300m and are uniquely near Temples in the Clouds.
This tour will only be open for the more experienced 1:1, and maybe 2:1 pilots, but with our big lineup of top Himalayan pilots as guides, this could still be a very sociable adventure, and open to massive flexibility.

And, as always, we will still be including the luxurious accomodation at JP’s as part of the package price, so that we don’t have to stay out in the wilds for the whole 10 days/at all if we don’t want to. The prices are the same for both tours, so you will be able to adapt the Temple Tour into our standard tour with absolute ease, and at no extra cost. You may even want to graduate from a standard to a Temple Tour which can be done at a 10% discount on the second tour.
After all Flexibility is what we are good at. It’s an inevitable development after 70 + years of paragliding professionally.

The Guides for 2014 are: Antoine Laurens, Debu Choudhury, Dean Crosby… and of course Eddie Colfox and John Silvester


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